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Technology Is the Future of Credit Union Branches
July 6, 2021
Credit union branches were among the many business outlets forced to close their doors to the public during the COVID-19 pandemic, but now branches are opening back up again! After a year of primarily digital banking, how can credit unions keep their branches relevant? Credit union branches are alive and well.
5 Credit Unions Find Efficiencies, Security in Technology CUSO
June 30, 2021
Wescom Resources Group recently announced two credit unions went live with its Unitri managed core services. In addition, the $2.1 billion Bayport Credit Union is now live on Tellergy, and WRG welcomed new Tellergy clients $1.9 billion Meriwest Credit Union and $231 million Taunton Federal Credit Union.
Summer 2021 Newsletter
June 17, 2021
See what we have been working on this past quarter in the Summer 2021 edition of the WRG Newsletter.
View the Newsletter
Strata Credit Union Outsources Core Hosting to WRG
May 11, 2021
When Strata Credit Union determined it was time to switch core processors, it looked to Wescom Resources Group for its core hosting and managed services. “We’re excited to be moving to Corelation and WRG,” Strata CU CEO Brandon Ivie said.
5 Member-Centric Benefits to Upgrading Your Branch Signature Pads
April 23, 2021
Credit union branch strategies must evolve as consumers become more accustomed to digital services, but they will always need their branch. Create member-centric efficiencies…